Association Works Approach To President/CEO SearchesThe selection of a President/CEO is one of the most important decisions that a volunteer Board of Directors will make. It is imperative that the Board, through a formally appointed Search Committee, maintain focus on the few critical aspects of the search process: n Identifying the attributes sought in a new President/CEO n Conducting reference phone calls n Interviewing finalist candidates n Making the decision using pre-established criteria In close partnership with volunteer leadership, we provide expertise and assume responsibility for:
Our purpose is to do the necessary work to assure a professionally conducted process and at the same time partner with the Search Committee so that it can remain focused on the critical decisions. We value your commitment and assure you that the time spent in meetings and on conference calls is of the highest quality (actual number and type of meetings to be mutually determined). The entire process from public announcement to President/CEO selection is usually three/four months. Our process is guaranteed. We will work with you until the position is filled. |
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